“Believers may not often realize it, but even as believers we are either centered in man, or centered in God. There is no alternative. Either God is the center of our universe and we have become rightly adjusted to Him, or we have made ourselves the center and are attempting to make all else orbit around us and for us. When the truth dawns, we are amazed to discover how the snare of making all things to revolve around man has been the bane of most of our preaching and teaching. This is true even of the area of teaching which is considered to be of the deeper life emphasis. As long as men are victims of this wrong philosophy and approach to truth, they cannot avoid reckoning from a self-center. When the center is wrong, then everything in our reckoning is wrong. It is my prayer that in these pages the reader will discover the lost coin of truth and be prepared to take what may seem like drastic measures in accepting a new center, where the whole conception of the Christian life is changed from man-consciousness to God-consciousness; from man as the center to God as the center from which all truth is seen. ” –  DeVern Fromke, Ultimate Intention

The next two books on my list are Unto Full Stature and Ultimate Intention, both by author DeVern Fromke.


ultimate-intention-big   I was introduced to the writings of Fromke in the mid-nineties. His books, Unto Full Stature and Ultimate Intention, were both in a discounted bin at a discount store. I think I purchased them for 25 cents each. Obviously those who passed up on these books had no idea the treasure they contained. After perusing through a few pages into Unto Full Stature, I new that this book was indeed a storehouse of riches. I read each of these books several times over the next few months, including all of his others which I subsequently purchased (at full price). They were bread and water to a hungry, thirsty young minister’s soul. Fromke’s books focus on the centrality of the cross, and God’s revelation of Jesus as his Ultimate Intention, and Fromke helps his readers learn how to seek God’s glory as their ultimate intention in every aspect of their lives.  Author Frank Viola sums it up best when he says that Fromke’s book’s expose what is lacking in most of  today’s Christian movements: 

  • A groundbreaking unveiling and understanding of God’s Eternal Purpose… The Eternal Purpose is by Him, through Him, to Him, and for Him. And it’s mind-blowingly glorious.

  • An understanding – both theological and practical – on how to live by the indwelling life of Christ individually and corporately.

  • A laser focus on the centrality and supremacy of Jesus Christ. (In most of these movements, some “cause” or theological system has trumped Jesus Himself.) – Frank Viola

Please read Viola’s article on Fromke and the major influence his books had on his life. It reflects my feelings as well: http://frankviola.org/2013/02/22/devernfromke/.

Any one of Fromke’s books could have been on this list, and I highly recommend them. Maybe start with No Other Foundation, a compilation of his writings if you can find it, as I think it’s out of print.